Where Was I?
WHERE WAS I when the first doctor said, “I think something is off…”? I was in Vail, Colorado on vacation for our family of three, already cut short due to the death of my grandfather. Girlie was four and more excited about the swing set near the hotel than the […]
Get Off The Streets
It is uncomfortable to be aware of our own mortality, and it is tempting to shove uncomfortable statistics into tidy boxes labeled, “Things That Happen Randomly” and “Things That Happen To Other People.”
But there is nothing random about this virus and there are no “other people.”
Worse Than a Tuesday
It is much easier to be hospitalized, homebound, grieving, depressed on a Tuesday than on days like this.
For Tuesdays are not filled with expectations.
They are not photo worthy.
There are no hashtags.
Caregivers, I See You
The fear, concern, vigilance, and practices that the world is currently struggling to adopt
have been part of your daily life and mine for years. It only took a global pandemic for everyone else to catch up.
But just when the world is getting a glimpse of what your life is like on any given Tuesday,
you have moved on to a new heightened level, the current situation turning up the dial on your already challenging role of keeping your person alive.
Master Piece
Procedure after procedure, they chisel away at him. It makes me think of a sculptor who starts with a piece of rock and then, bit by bit, removes pieces here and there until it no longer looks like a dull piece of stone, but instead a new creation. However, his shape was perfect to begin […]
Be Present For Your Friends This Holiday Season
These small gestures will show your friends that you see them, that you are working to meet them where they are, and that you value their presence at this event and in your life.
Our Cells Remember
Perhaps it has nothing to do with the number on a page,
but instead where the moon is in the sky,
how the planets are aligned,
how much or little daylight we are currently allotted,
that alerts our bodies that
is an anniversary
of that occasion.
Nothing More Real Than the Life We Are Living
Our adventure won’t appear on anyone’s news feed. But in this moment, there is nothing more real than the beauty and miracle of being alive, of being in love, and of living to see another day.
Are Superhero Stickers the Key to Being a Good Doctor? No…But They Help
Sean and I walked out of that antiquated exam room, through the chaotic waiting area, and into the elevators feeling nothing short of buoyant. “Someone should have been filming that appointment,” he said.
When he and I reflected upon what had made that encounter so powerful, we decided it was a number of things…
Little Green Light
I came to expect that every time I logged on, I would be greeted by the little green circle to the right of her name, illumined, the online version of leaving on the front porch light.